Restaurants, Bars and clubs, Spas, Hotels and resorts, Conference and Event Halls, Cruise ships, Airplanes, Timeshares.
Compared to office buildings and retail, the hospitality industry has unique challenges that must be addressed in achieving acceptable indoor air quality. These include: High density of people, Beyond design conditions, Contact changes, Higher opportunity for moisture, Pollutant generating activities, Higher number of HVAC units.
Good indoor air quality is essential for sustainable facilities. This is especially true for the hospitality industry (hotels, motels, restaurants and bars).
Positively Impacts Sales, Repeat Customers, and Staff Efficiency.
- Research has shown that by improving the indoor air quality in hospitality facilities there is a payback in approximately a year.
- ODOROX® hydroxyl generators utilize green technology to provide a permanent solution to combat poor indoor air quality due to bacteria, virus, mould, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and offensive odors.
- ODOROX® hydroxyl generators effectively kill mould, bacteria & viruses, and eliminate volatile organic compounds (VOCs), chemical fumes, gasses, vapors and unpleasant odors.
- ODOROX® hydroxyl generators use no chemicals and leave no residue; they are ideal for the environment of the chemically sensitive or medically compromised person.
- ODOROX® hydroxyl generators are extremely energy efficient - operate using less than 1 amp.
- Notably the production of hydroxyls naturally lowers the humidity in your environment, creating a crisp fresh atmosphere and generally lowers energy cost associated with air conditioning.
Hospitality Creates Unique Indoor Air Quality Challenges
Compared to office and retail buildings, the hospitality industry has unique challenges that must be addressed in achieving acceptable indoor air quality. These include:
High density of people - in most hospitality facilities there are a large number of people in a relatively small area. There are issues with odors, transmission of colds, flu and other transmittable diseases.
Beyond design conditions - there can be occasional to frequent occupancy rates that are higher than design ventilation rates. This results in poor dilution or removal of pollutants in the space. This is especially true for bars, conference rooms, casinos, and hotel guest rooms.
Contact changes - the typical hospitality user will be in contact with different people and visitors each day. This provides a greater opportunity for transmission of flu and cold viruses, with increased absenteeism of employees and resistance of the paying customer of repeated business.
Higher opportunity for moisture - with the prevalent use of packaged units and the high people density, there are more plumbing fixtures and heating, ventilating, air-conditioning (HVAC) units). This can lead to moisture management problems.
Pollutant generating activities - cooking, smoking, off-gassing of materials, and spaces open to outdoors (birds and insects) provide for a greater pollutant generation rate which can tax the systems and result in poor indoor air quality.
Higher number of HVAC units - a greater use of smaller units increases the higher probability of indoor air quality degradation, through the need for more exhaust fans and a higher potential for pressure imbalance.