People who suffer from: Asthma, Allergies, Lung diseases, Respiratory problems, Weakened immune system; or people who: Snore, Smoke, Have kids, Have pets, Have a second home or RV.
In general, gaseous and particle pollutant levels in the home are often 2 to 100 times higher than those found outdoors. Excessive moisture in homes from water leaks and uncontrolled humidity also can lead to elevated allergens and moulds. Air tight and well-insulated building construction mean less fresh air enters structure, increased pollutant levels. Home environments can become irritating and unhealthy.
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has a greater impact on health than outdoor air quality, as Australians spend the majority of their time indoors. Exposure to chemical and biological contaminants increases, and can contribute to the risk of developing respiratory and neurologic symptoms, allergies, asthma and lung cancer.
Homeowners should be aware of the potential impact of poor Indoor Air Quality
- ODOROX® hydroxyl generators utilize green technology to provide a permanent solution to combat poor indoor air quality due to bacteria, virus, mould, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and offensive odors.
- Hydroxyl molecules effectively kill mould, bacteria & viruses, and eliminate volatile organic compounds (VOCs), chemical fumes, gasses, vapors, and unpleasant odors.
- ODOROX® generators use no chemicals and leave no residue; they are ideal for the environment of the chemically sensitive or medically compromised person.
- ODOROX® generators are extremely energy efficient - operate using less than 1 amp.
- Notably the production of hydroxyls naturally lowers the humidity in your environment, creating a crisp fresh atmosphere and generally lowers energy cost associated with air conditioning.
ODOROX® hydroxyl generators are particularly beneficial for:
- People who suffer from: Asthma, Allergies, Lung diseases, Respiratory problems, Weakened immune system, Chemical Sensitivities.
- People who: Snore, Smoke, Have kids or Have pets..
Four primary reasons are at the root of poor indoor air quality (IAQ) in residences:
- Energy conservation measures, including tighter, well-insulated buildings.
- Increasing use of synthetic building materials, furnishings and finishes.
- Poor design and construction.
- Occupant activities, including smoking, use of cleaning products, pesticides, and poor maintenance of the home and its heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) system.
In general, gaseous and particle pollutant levels in the home are often 2 to 100 times higher than those found outdoors. A home's furnishings, building materials, appliances, cleaning chemicals, and hobby materials are just some of the sources of these pollutants. Excessive moisture in homes from water leaks and uncontrolled humidity also can lead to elevated allergens and moulds. A consequence of air tight and well-insulated building construction is less fresh air enters structure, which allows pollutant levels to increase by trapping air inside. Eventually, they can become irritating and unhealthy to home occupants. Some also contribute to unacceptable and noxious odors.
Improving indoor air quality in apartments is the same as in homes. The key is to reduce pollutants at their source and then increase ventilation; however, apartment residents do not have as much latitude in making changes to ventilation as someone living in a single-family detached home.