
ODOROX® has designed a number of different products to work in a wide variety of industries and uses. The technology has been applied in slightly different ways so that the applicable machine will work on the intended task and the unit will be a size and structure to fit the environment. Please call us now on (02) 9559 2155 and we will be happy to advise the correct model for your application.



ODOROX® BossTM Model

With the capacity to deodorize and decontaminate up to 200 square metres the ODOROX Boss is the ideal machine for use in offices, pubs, clubs, health care facilities, vetinary surgeries and water and fire damage restoration.


ODOROX® Boss XL3TM Model

The ODOROX® Boss XL3TM uniti is a compact unit. The right choice for large area odour control resulting from fires, flood contamination, sewer backup contamination, toxic odors and chemical spills. The Boss XL3 unit can deodorize and decontaminate up to 300 square metres.